18 int const *
const fd_p = arg;
49 int const *
const fd_p = arg;
unsigned char hipc_msg[HIPC_MSG_ALLOCSIZE]
size_t hipcMsgTotalSize(const hipc_msg msg)
Returns total size of a HIPC message, which is the header size plus the body size.
ssize_t hipcPosixReadExactly(const int fd, void *buf, const size_t count)
Read count bytes from fd by using read(2).
enum HIPC_errno hipcPosixReadMsg(void *arg, hipc_msg msg)
Read a HIPC message from fd.
ssize_t hipcPosixWriteExactly(const int fd, void const *buf, const size_t count)
Writes count bytes to fd by using write(2).
unsigned char hipcMsgBdySize(const hipc_msg msg)
Returns body size of a HIPC message.
enum HIPC_errno hipcPosixWriteMsg(void *arg, const hipc_msg msg)
Write a HIPC message to fd.